Are you tired of manually looking up stock prices? If so, you are in the right place. In this post, we will explain how you can use Google Sheets to look up stock prices.
Not only will this save you time, but it will also help you make more informed investment decisions. So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get started to unlock the full potential of Google Sheets for stock analysis and market data.
Look Up Stock Prices with GOOGLEFINANCE Formula
To look up stock prices in Google Sheets using the GOOGLEFINANCE formula, follow these six simple steps:

List the ticker symbols in a column
Add the dates as horizontal headers
Enter the GOOGLEFINANCE formula in the cell where you want the stock price
Ticker symbol: Add the ticker in the first column
Attribute: Add “price”
Start_date: Add the date in the header
Wrap the INDEX formula around the GOOGLEFINANCE formula
Press enter, and the stock price will appear in the cell
Copy and paste the formula into other cells to look up stock prices for multiple companies and dates

By following these steps, you can easily retrieve real time stock prices in Google Sheets.
See how it can be done in the video here.
Try it yourself now!
Click here to copy paste the Google Sheet spreadsheet in the video.