Ever wondered if you can translate text in Google Sheets? The answer is yes! In this concise article, we will guide you through the process of translating words in Google Sheets using the GOOGLETRANSLATE formula.
How to Translate Words in Google Sheets
To translate content in Google Sheets and change the language of a cell, follow these simple steps:
Enter the GOOGLETRANSLATE formula In the cell where you want to translate the text, type in the Google Translate formula: =GOOGLETRANSLATE(text, language of text, new language)
Add the text you want to translate =GOOGLETRANSLATE(B8
Add the language of the text. Here you need to use a two-letter code =GOOGLETRANSLATE(B8, “en”,
Add the language you want the translation =GOOGLETRANSLATE(B8, “en”, “es”)
Press "enter" to complete
Alternatively, you can refer to a cell in step 3-4.This makes it more dynamic and you can create your own translator based on a simple dropdown.
Complete formula:
By following these steps, you can quickly translate words in Google Sheets with the Google Translate function.
Check out this video tutorial here.