Do you want to create those mini win loss graphs directly in Google Sheets? You're in the right place! In this post, we'll guide you through creating win-loss sparklines, perfect for visualizing your victories and defeats in individual cells.
This concise guide will answer your questions and lead you straight to the solution.

How to Create a Win Loss Chart in Google Sheets
Creating a win-loss chart is a straightforward process that involves just a few easy steps:
Enter the SPARKLINE formula into the cell where you want to add the sparkline
Select the range of cells containing the data to plot the mini graph: SPARKLINE(C6:G6
Customize the sparkline as desired within these brackets { }
Highlight that the chart type is win loss: SPARKLINE(C6:G6,{"charttype","winloss"
Add axis line: =SPARKLINE(C6:G6,{"charttype","winloss";"axis",true
Add colors: =SPARKLINE(C6:G6,{"charttype","winloss";"axis",true;"color","green";"negcolor","red"})
Press "Enter" to add the win-loss sparkline to your selected cell.
Complete formula:
By following these steps, you can swiftly create win-loss sparklines in Google Sheets.
Check out this video tutorial here.
Try it Yourself Now!
Click here to copy and paste the Google Sheet spreadsheet used in the video, and start crafting your win-loss sparklines today.